I visited EFL Classroom 2.0 and found this group worth to be added in my favorites. It consists of a number of badges, which includes newest posts, quick posts, latest activity, videos, forum, and etc. I like the KEEP THE IDES COMING… Though I am not sure how often will the topic be changed, it is always a good idea to get to know and to be familiar with new things. There are resources and suggestions for teachers to practice in their own classrooms. You can also post your opinions or photos, and the news of your action will appear in the latest activity. This group is a good choice if you would like to keep up with the upcoming new ideas. Help yourselves to check it out!~
According to the site, there are 20,000 members, so I'm sure that there will always be an abundance of new ideas and resources to share. :-)
Great that you found us!
I started EFL Classroom 2.0 several years ago but now others have to keep the fire burning. It is about ideas but also, made the site so teachers could get content also - stuff to use immediately in the classroom.
Usually we are a private group (off google grid) but presently have our open house - so glad you found us.... thanks for the encouraging words.
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