Sunday, April 10, 2011

Movie poster -> story telling

My movie poster
I created a movie poster in Big Huge Labs, using a Flickr photo.
   I would like to use this poster in my EFL writing class. I would ask my students to say whatever they think of about the poster or about the title and note them down as a brainstorm activity. Then the students could write their imaginary scenario of this movie.
   This tool could be introduced to students for them to create their own posters and tell their stories, or to keep a photo diary of their own.
Students would be glad to see vivid images in the classroom. And interesting photos could arouse students' interests in writing.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

I think the students would enjoy creating their own posters, but it would be good to have them add more information such as another tag line and, perhaps, actors.